
如何定义计量泵需求, if we don't muchmeing泵构造? we 准备下表帮助你理解计量泵元素帮助泵描述应用需求

上回博客文章具体说明计量泵时,我们强调将液泵与能安全经济处理液的湿端材料匹配的重要性。 我们还讨论了电动驱动器和配方选项表泵问题。

  • 2022世界杯赛程表时间表Wetted end: this is the section of the pump that comes in contact with the liquid that will be pumped.  For the Madden diaphragm type metering pumps this consists of the solution head, the diaphragm, the inlet and outlet check valves and the piping connectors.  All of these components need to be compatible with the liquid that will be pumped.  Madden and other metering pump manufacturers like LMI, Milton-Roy and Pulsafeeder offer a wide range of materials for the wetted end construction to allow the pump specifier to select the right materials for each pumping application.  For a more compete discussion of the wetted end see our blog Specifying Metering Pumps.  Piston or plunger type metering pumps do not use a diaphragm to separate the liquid in the wetted end from the drive mechanism.  Those pumps use a packing gland for the purpose of containing the liquid.
  • 驱动系统 : 本段取电机旋转电流转换为活塞纹理动作 。 Madden和许多其他计量泵制造厂家使用右角蠕变机将1725平移电动速度转换为在不同泵模型中每分钟15至230下拉速度i.e.2022世界杯赛程表时间表a 10:1 gear ratio will reduce the 1725 rpm motor speed to 172 strokes per minute drive shaft speed.  The connecting rod and piston are driven by the drive shaft.  As the drive shaft rotates the connecting rod, and the attached piston, will make a stroke in and out, driving the diaphragm in the wetted end which moves the liquid being pumped.  Madden uses heavy duty industrial grade worm gear reducers to insure many years of trouble free pumping service.  The Madden pumps are mechanically actuated diaphragm type, so the piston is directly connected to the diaphragm in the wetted end.  Other manufactures use a hydraulic system to push and pull the diaphragm.  Some manufactures of smaller metering pumps do away with a gear reducer altogether and use an electric solenoid stroking mechanism to activate the metering pump piston.
  • 2022世界杯赛程表时间表电机:大多数Madden隔膜计压泵使用电机操作泵。Madden电机从1/3HP到1/1/2HP,56框架完全封闭,1/60/115-230电压和3/60/230-460电压都可用。从50Hz电源到爆炸证明和高高度安装等各种应用都可用特殊电机。关于电机的完整讨论见我们的驱动机需求与驱动机自动定时泵博客
  • Madden泵调整拨号2022世界杯赛程表时间表Output adjustment: the Madden diaphragm metering pumps are manually adjustable using a conveniently placed adjustment knob located on top of the pump.  The adjustment goes from 100% down to 0%, but for the most accurate volume control 10% is the minimum recommended adjustment setting.  The Madden adjustment is a lost motion type, which means that for any adjustment setting below 100 the diaphragm is not powered by the piston over a portion of the rotation of the drive shaft.  Some manufactures use a hydraulic drive and reduce the stroke volume in the hydraulic section with a lost motion action.  There are pumps on the market that offer an adjustable eccentric for controlling the output, and some of these require the use of tools to change the eccentric setting when the pump is stopped.  Electronic solenoid type metering pumps can manually reduce the stroke rate with an adjustment knob, or they can actuate the solenoid with a remote pulse signal.  For information on Madden metering pumps using an automatic output control see the blog Drive Motor Specifying Automatic Metering Pump.  The important thing to know is that the pump you specify will have the capacity in the range of adjustment to accurately pump the required liquid volume, and that the adjustment of volume is easy to accomplish.

这些都是主要构件定义计量泵时需要考虑的元素 。如果需要额外帮助指定计量泵应用时需要参考Madden泵选择指南网站通知或寄送电子邮件查询.我们总是快速响应